Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Roger returned home from his mission from Northern California on Wednesday, March 22, 1967. I will of course never forget that day. We had communicated per letter that it might be best if I didn't come out to the airport to meet him. His parents were pretty strict and would not want him to give me a hug or kiss until he had been released from his mission. I received a post card from Roger on the day before he returned and he decided that maybe I should come out to the airport. I felt confused over this and finally felt it would be better if I didn't go out to the airport; this was a hard decision for me. His sister Gloria had also decided when her future husband John came home from his mission that she wouldn't go out. However, the two of us went out and hid and watched John being welcomed home. This was a big temptation for me to do the same.
On the day Roger came home; I went to my nursing classes that day; and I had a big knot in my stomach for the whole day. I was so nervous about seeing him again. I had prayed so hard that he would not have changed his feelings. Two years was a very long time and I had missed him so much that it hurt. I came home around 2 pm. As I entered the house a big plane flew over and I knew it was his plane. I went in and of course got ready to see him. I dressed up in a nice dress and made sure I was all put together. I wore a suit that had dark maroon back ground with flowers. It was an in style suit for that era.
I then began to wait. I was very stressed. My parents came home around 5:30 pm and Roger and not come yet. As the time went on I became worried that he wasn't going to come over at all.
Finally, around 7 pm I was sure he probably wouldn't come; so I changed my clothes and went for a walk. I walked for quite a while and I had memorized my favorite scripture in Proverbs 3: 5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all thy heart; lean not on thine own understanding. In all thy ways remember him and he will direct thy path". I think I said that scripture about a hundred times. I finally came home and changed into a house coat; which really ages me because no one wears those in today's world. My parents had bought a home while Roger was gone and one of the bedrooms had become a TV room. I went into that room and tried to watch TV. I was really having a hard time not crying. I felt for sure that he wasn't going to come. At around 8 pm; the door bell rang and it was him. Dad and Mom answered the door first and I could hear them welcoming him home. They really loved him a lot and I know they were nervous for me. I took a deep breath and walked out in the hallway; and there he was standing there and all the feelings of my love for him came out. I went to him and he took me into his arms and gave me a kiss. It was like heaven for sure. Dad and Mom quickly exited and went for a drive leaving us alone. We sat on the couch and recapped the days events. He had went home and got an appointment with the Stake President so he could be released from his mission before he came over. It was so good because then he would feel free to hold my hand, hug and kiss me. I knew that we both had the same emotions. He was finally home! We talked for quite a while and then he had borrowed his Brother's car; so we had to go downtown and pick him up.When he took me back home; I was so incredibly happy. He was Home!
Roger found a job with the church cleaning floors at the Bee Hive Bank building and I continued to go to school and work as a student nurse at LDS Hospital. We were with each other every second we could be.
One of my very dear friends from High School, Betty Gurciao was getting married in the temple and had a reception on Saturday, April 1st. Roger and I planned to attend. The night before Roger had told me he was going to visit some of his siblings to see how they felt about us. A few days after he came home; his mother had even suggested he date some other girls before we made a commitment. At the time I was very upset that she would suggest this; I had spent a lot of time with them during his mission. When he told me this I told him that if he dated I would date too. With these two incidents; I of course became very emotional and cried most of the night. My parents didn't know how to comfort me. As I looked back later on this; I did the typical woman thing of reading into his thoughts more than was there. At the time he had no idea I was upset.
In the morning I went to work as a student nurse and took a change of clothes and items needed to get ready for the reception. The hospital had a locker room where we could shower and change. I had a knot in my stomach and felt very confused, frustrated and maybe even a little anger through the day. In the late afternoon I changed and went outside of the hospital to wait for him to pick me up. His brother Michael came in a truck to pick me up to take me to their home where we could leave from there. I let this incident upset me even more. When we finally arrived and Roger and I got ready to leave for the reception I didn't sit by him. In those days the cars had straight seats without a console between seats. I sat next to the door.Roger told me that he had spoken with a couple of his siblings; I think it was a couple of his older siblings. He seemed happy and said that they were favorable towards our relationship. He finally convinced me to slide over by him and I warmed up.
We enjoyed the wedding reception. They had a dance and we always enjoyed dancing together. However, Roger had to leave to go to work at the Bee Hive Bank Building. He asked if I would come with him and wait in a waiting room while he did his work. Of course, I said yes. When we arrived at the building he went to work. When he finished he asked me if I knew any place we could go that would be private and nice to talk for a while. I really didn't have any place in mind and about that time it was around midnight. We got in our faithful 52 Chevy and headed up one of the canyons. As we drove, Roger spotted a little area in the middle of a field that had a bridge. We drove near to the bridge and got out and walked over on the bridge. It actually was a very romantic spot. The night was clear; and the sky full of stars and a bright moon was shinning. After a few minutes of looking out on this very serene landscape. Roger said, " If you could have anything that you want in this world what would it be?" I replied, and said, "You!" He brought out the small velvet box and opened it and said; " will this do?" It was a yes. With all my heart, yes!. The ring was so beautiful and I have loved it for years and will for eternity. He told me that he got the ring just a few days after he came home. It was around 2 am on April 1st, when we arrived at my home. We went in and I woke my parents up and showed them the ring. Knowing my dear parents they were greatly relieved; because they loved Roger so much and wanted us to get married. We didn't tell his parents for a few more days. I think he was a little nervous about it. However, I will always remember when we walked into his house his father was ironing a pair of pants. I went over and showed him my ring and he said, " Well, it's about time" and then gave me a big hug. His Mother was sweet about it too. I know that many of you know about Grandpa and Grandma's quick engagement and marriage. As I look back on it I can maybe see why she wanted Roger to date more. Funny thing is that we had dated 5 years, including his mission; that should be enough time to get to know someone.
Within the next few days we worked on when to get married. We decided we had waited long enough to be with each other; so we chose to get married on June 13, 1967. We tried to get a different date; but it was in the middle of the Viet Nam war, so many couples were getting married so there were not that many dates available at the Salt Lake Temple. Too me, the number 13 is one of the best numbers ever. We were so excited and began our plans. At that time, I think Roger's parents thought we should have a longer engagement; that would not have been wise.
On Sunday, April 2nd we attended the last session of April conference and sat up in the Balcony. Later, Jean Freeman a friend from Roger's mission field told us she saw us on TV in the balcony and knew we had gotten engaged because we looked so happy.
Just a side note to our engagement. A few years after we had been married; we drove up the canyon one night to see if our engagement spot was still there. It was at night and we found it and drove in our little VW down close by it. We got out and walked on the bridge. Meanwhile, our little VW decided to join us and came down and got stuck between the sides of the bridge. We were disturbed about this; but at the same time we laughed a lot about it.
Roger and I were so much in love and looked forward to the date of June 13th to come quickly so that we might be married and sealed forever in the Salt Lake Temple. Our love then is so much more and richer now.

1 comment:

Toni said...

This would make a great movie! Let's find a screenwriter!