Sunday, June 8, 2008


LeAnn and Roger 1963

After Roger and I had our first date; we began dating more and more. He would often walk over to my house which was about a mile and a half. He would even walk over during the snow. You know the story of walking in 3 feet of snow which he did; I loved him for that. One of the things we did that helped us in our relationship was we talked a lot on the phone and when we were together. We truly became best friends.
We did date a couple of times other people; but mainly to keep our parents happy because they didn't want us to go steady.
After our first date in November, Roger was asked to the Christmas Dance by another girl; before I asked him. However, He called her and canceled out and of course went with me. I felt good because she was a cheerleader and I was so grateful he didn't go with her. Roger and I loved going to all of the dances in High School. My Mother always made me a brand new dress for each dance; which is one of my favorite things about my Mom. Roger dressed nice and always looked so handsome. Dad and Mom loved Roger right off and really got to know him well. I liked Roger's parents a lot too. The first time I met Roger's Mom she was recovering from back surgery and was in a body cast. She was so tiny and small and I felt so sad for her. Both his parents were nice and I enjoyed the opportunity to be around them.
The Christmas Dances were always Girls choice and probably the best of the dances that I remember. The gym was always decorated so beautifully for those dances. The music was romantic. The rest of the dances were boy's choice and fun too. In the fall they had a dance called the Western Round-up and we all dressed in cowboy and girl clothes. They had a booth where you were married and received a certificate and the marriage was sealed with a kiss. I wish I could find the picture of that event. Roger was so handsome in his cowboy hat, shirt, Levi's and boots. When we were seniors the Christmas Dance was very memorable. Mother had made me a blue velvet dress and I felt so good in it and of course Roger loved the dress. Later he used some of the material to line a Jewelery Box that he made me for Christmas.Our favorite song began on that night which was Blue Velvet by Bobby Vinton.
Roger sister Gloria did my hair a couple of times for dances during our Senior year which was fun. We got to know each other during that time and I always admired Gloria.

Also, we went to the Stake New Year's Dance each year. It was for the youth and adults. Our parents came to the dance and Roger danced with both of our Moms and I danced with both of our Dads. Both Dad's were very good dancers; but I was nervous dancing with his Dad. I wasn't very graceful growing up and I had a hard time following dance partners; until Roger came along. We love to dance together.

Both Roger and I were very active in school. He was in the Key Club organization which was a service organization. He served as Vice President. My Junior year I was in Pep Club. I ran for an office in that but didn't win. Later, I ran for head cheerleader for my Senior year; but chickened out when I had to do the yell in front of the Student Body. I was most concerned about flubbing up with Roger there. I later felt bad I didn't follow through because I was the only one with the grades to run against the other girl.
We both played church sports; such as basketball, volleyball and softball. I of course was kind of a tomboy and had been raised on a baseball field due to my Dad couching teams through the years. I loved all of the sports and both of us were pretty good at the sports we participated in. We went to each others games.
We both received good grades. Roger loved chemistry the most. One day he was making a concoction of something and it exploded and went into the vent system in the school. It smelled like rotten egg gas; so the school was closed for the day. He was pretty embarrassed about it all. I thought it was really funny. Roger also liked English and was very good at writing. He also loved art classes and was good at doing art projects. My favorite classes were History, French and Seminary.
Roger played Football his sophomore year but after that decided to work instead so he could have money to do other things and buy clothes. He worked at a book bindery through High School. I had a job in downtown Salt Lake during my Junior year at a place Called Kress's. I was a waitress and also sometimes the Cashier. I had a best friend named Colleen Carlson and we would ride the bus downtown after school to work there. We had a lot of fun working in the cafe; it was also a store like K-Mart.
Later in my Senior year Roger's sister Gloria helped me get a job with an accountant named Malcome C. Petri. He was the orneriest man alive and I hated working for him. The pay was good and I liked the actual work or I wouldn't have stayed there. This job was in the Boston building downtown and in those days they had elevators that were ran by someone in the elevator. Boy, that ages us.
Roger and I liked to go out to the Great Salt Lake for swimming, parks and canyons for picnic's and movies. We also went fishing with my parents mainly to Malad, Idaho, Strawberry Lake and Fish Lake. Roger also went Deer Hunting with my brothers and Dad. All of them liked him very much.
I got my driver's license after the summer that we took driver's training. My parents were very trusting of me and I got to take the family car a lot. The car was black and orange. Some guys I knew would offer to pay me money if I would let them take the car on Halloween night. I never did take them up on their offer.
Roger didn't get his license until a long time after we started dating; so we mostly double dated. His Dad wouldn't find the time to let him practice on the family car; so I let him drive my Dad and Mom's sometimes. I remember a night that he drove their car to a movie on the East side and he drove through a red light and then turned around and did it again. I was so worried that he would get a ticket; since he didn't have a license. He finally got his license and during our Senior year we bought together a 1952 Chevy. We paid $160.00 of which my brother loaned us $60.00. Anyway, that car helped us a lot. He kept it at his house and then when he left on his mission; I got the car. It lasted quite a while.

Our Senior year was a good year together. We did so many fun things. On our Graduation Night we went to a graduation dance and then out to dinner at the Maxwell Lodge. We stayed out late and then Roger went home to get his suit case and we went to Grass Valley and Fish Lake for a few days with my parents. We always had a good time with them and they were so fun to be with. There was nothing like hearing them sing old songs while driving. I loved hearing my Dad sing the song; "My Wild Irish Rose".

Roger and LeAnn Senior Pictures
June 1964